Thursday, December 16, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
They were convicted for using a 9 yo Palestinian child as a human shield : No Jail - No Justice? Israeli troops set free in 'Human Shield' trial
They were convicted for using a 9 yo Palestinian child as a human shield : No Jail - No Justice? Israeli troops set free in 'Human Shield' trial
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Russia Today #News : Independent revolution brewing in the #USA? #politics #news
September 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Russia Today : Keiser Report: Opt Out of Debt!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The Alyona Show: In Case You Missed It - Full Show 10/26/10
The case of the Newburgh 4, we can't help but wonder if the FBI has resorted to creating terrorists rather than fighting them, RT Correspondent Marina Portnaya reports. Then, many media outlets chose to focus on head leaker Julian Assange rather than the content of the leak itself, so is this a major media fail. And, a federal court ruled US could keep all information on Bagram prison a secret. Next, right wingers like Glenn Beck and Mike Huckabee claim that the 'New Elites' are out to get you. Sam Seder weighs in if Americans are really buying this. And, this week marks the 10th anniversary of the International Space Station, and Commercial Space Pioneer Jeffrey Manber discusses the monumental international venture.
Project Camelot interviews Benjamin Fulford - Part 2 of 3
Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller about illuminati, asian opposition
"Benjamin Fulford interviews David Rockefeller about illuminati, asian opposition
38:29 - 2 years ago
On November 13, 2007 Fulford received a tip that David Rockefeller was on his turf, and without hesitation Fulford arranged to meet with him to ask some questions. It is not odd for a reporter who's career has been filled with Financial News jobs, to sit down with the former head of Chase Bank, Except when its Benjamin Fulford and David Rockefeller. Earlier this year Benjamin Fulford interviewed Heizo Takenaka, a former finance minister in Japan and confronted him about 'having sold the Japanese financial system over to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.' According to Fulford this interview made a lot of people angry. He says a professional assassin showed up and told him to accept a job of great importance or be killed. The following day Fulford claims to have been contacted by a powerful Asian Secret Society with more than 6 million members that have targeted the Illuminati. They asked Fulford to represent them, negotiate for them, and offered him protection in return. Benjamin Fulford was Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine for seven years, until 2005 when he quit because of the 'extensive corporate censorship and mingling of advertising and editorial at the magazine.�"
Fulford - Chinese Secret Society vs NWO Illuminati Video - Fulford - Chinese Secret Society vs NWO Illuminati Video
illustrated version of the July 23, 2007 interview with Benjamin Fulford on the Jeff Rense Program. This video is designed to be a ten minute presentation of the major topics; Mr. Fulford's background and his claim to represent a Chinese Secret Society which is challengning the Illuminati. To hear the full interviews, go to
Here is an update posted by Benjamin Fulford on his blog:
The secret government of the US and EU has promised a major overhaul in the wake of the warning it got from the Chinese secret society, according to a senior Japanese public security police officer and Freemason who has been acting as an intermediary with the Chinese secret society. �??Expect big changes this autumn,�?� he said in comments confirmed by a member of the Japanese royal family. �??What you will be seeing is the unwinding of George Bush senior�??s 50-year campaign to turn the U.S. into a fascist regime,�?� the secret police agent says. �??George Bush senior is now a broken man showing signs of senile dementia,�?� he adds.
If the sources are to be believed, U.S. President George Bush�??s government will resign, before his term expires, and will be replaced by an interim regime headed by Al Gore. This will start a 2-3 year transition period during which suppressed technology, such as free energy, will be released and a new system for running the planet will be implemented, according to these two sources. �??They [The illuminati] know their rule is ending but they do not want it to end in an ugly way,�?� the security police source says.
The recent market turmoil, including the Chinese threat to sell dollars, was part of the bargaining towards major changes in the secret balance of power, we are told.
Certainly there are some encouraging signs. The tearful resignation of U.S. presidential �??brain�?� Karl Rove removes a central lynchpin of Bush�??s regime. Since it follows six other resignations; it does look like rats abandoning a sinking ship.
In Japan, meanwhile, the victory of the opposition Democratic Party in the recent upper house elections could lead to the end of the Iraq and Afghan wars. Japan Democratic Party leader Ichiro Ozawa has promised to block renewal of an �??anti-terrorist�?� bill that allows Japan�??s Self-Defense Forces to provide considerable logistical support to the U.S. sponsored wars in the region. Without that support, it is unlikely the U.S. will have enough money or military might to continue the wars.
Since this follows UK Prime Minister Brown�??s vow to remove British troops with or without U.S. approval, it will mean the Bush regime has lost its last big war allies. Brown also publicly rebuked Bush during a recent visit by doing such things as pointedly refusing to take home a souvenir he was given.
There are also signs the Japanese election was manipulated behind the scenes to promote a Democratic Party victory in Japan. Just before the election, the Japanese mainstream media suddenly began reporting heavily about a pension scandal the JDP has been talking -unreported- about for at least 5 years. This was crucial for their victory. We may see a general election as early as this fall, followed by the birth of a JDP government and an end to the post-war Japanese regime. It could be a sign of diminished Rockefeller influence in Japan. However, it is not a sign of diminished illuminati control of Japan since Ozawa is himself a Freemason.
Despite the positive developments, the biggest worry is all the public hints about a new �??terrorist attack�?� on the U.S. to be used as an excuse to trigger martial law. However, such an attack at this time �??would fool nobody,�?� the sources said. Many U.S. citizens might be fooled but no other government in the world would believe it. �??The secret government knows they cannot use their old tricks anymore,�?� the sources said.
The Chinese secret societies meanwhile, are watching carefully for any sign of new attempts to spread disease or otherwise carry out genocidal attacks. They only give one warning and have now initiated a news blackout. I am not in the loop about what they would do if a new breach was found but, they did say whatever action they took would be �??unpredictable and worse than expected.�?�
At the same time, an anti-Rothschild alliance has been formed in Tokyo. They warn that the entire Bush regime was probably set up as a �??bad cop�?� to scare people in the arms of the EU �??good cop.�?� They say there may be other surprises, possibly including a fake UFO invasion that Henry Kissinger hinted at during the 1991 Bilderberg meeting. �??We will have to look at least four or five steps ahead in order to keep on top of these people,�?� the alliance says.
So far, the EU only consists of governments that are controlled in secret by the Rothschilds etc. (Turkey is also a Rothschild fief). Their secret parliament, the Bilderbergers, have already shown they are racist by refusing to allow any Japanese to join. As a result, any effort to turn the EU into the base of a world government is doomed to fail.
The anti-Rothschild alliance, (with the discreet backing of the Chinese secret societies), will be contacting leaders of Russia, China, India, the Muslim countries, South America, Africa etc. to create a global alliance that will demand a new way of running the planet.
The UN Security Council will have to be replaced with a new grouping that more accurately represents the people of this planet. As it stands, 4 out of the 5 permanent Security Council members are representatives of Caucasian nations even though only 17% of the world�??s people are Caucasian. This global apartheid will have to end.
The world�??s financial system will also have to be replaced with a more transparent and equitable system that relies on more than simple human selfish greed as the main incentive for transactions.
Once this is done, a three-year campaign against the five curses of humanity: war, poverty, environmental destruction, ignorance and disease could be carried out. This could be a test case for replacing the Hegelian system of pitting opposite forces against each other in war with a system for people to compete towards agreed upon peaceful goals.
The industries and lobbies that have depended on war and turmoil will have to be given new goals and direction. One possibility would be a long-term campaign to terraform Mars.
People will have to be patient, however. These changes will happen over a period of years, not months. In the meantime, let us see if the autumn surprise appears as promised.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Christian neo-Nazi Republicans -- Copyright Crooks And Liars, 2010
Copyright Crooks And Liars, 2010 -- Mirror for wide dissemination
We reported on this awhile back:
Leading off the pack is a fellow named Roy Warden. Roy is a well-known Latino-hating racist who is fond of threatening to kill his critics and anyone who opposes him -- and as you can see from the video, in fact packs a holstered pistol to all public events.
Warden is especially noteworthy because, just like those New Black Panthers, Roy Warden was in fact the subject of a DOJ voter-intimidation investigation -- and they indeed decided not to prosecute him based on a lack of evidence, just as in the NBPP case. Media Matters has more: In his May 14 testimony before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Thomas Perez, assistant attorney general for the DOJ's civil rights division, highlighted a case that completely undermines the notion that the DOJ's decisions in the Black Panthers case were unprecedented or racially motivated. Perez testified that in 2006, the DOJ "declined to bring any action for alleged voter intimidation" "when three well-known anti-immigrant advocates affiliated with the Minutemen, one of whom was carrying a gun, allegedly intimidated Latino voters at a polling place by approaching several persons, filming them, and advocating and printing voting materials in Spanish." [U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 5/14/10] Anti-immigrant activist in 2006 case reportedly had "9mm Glock strapped to his side" at polling place. A November 8, 2006, Austin American-Statesman article reported (from the Nexis database): "In Arizona, Roy Warden, an anti-immigration activist with the Minutemen, and a handful of supporters staked out a Tucson precinct and questioned Hispanic voters at the polls to determine whether they spoke English." The article continued: Armed with a 9mm Glock automatic strapped to his side, Warden said he planned to photograph Hispanic voters entering polls in an effort to identify illegal immigrants and felons. Arizona Daily Star: "[A]nti-immigrant activist" "stood by with a firearm in a holster." A November 8, 2006, Arizona Daily Star article reported (from Nexis): A crew of anti-immigrant activists, meanwhile, visited several South Side polling places in what one poll-watch group called a blatant attempt to intimidate Hispanic voters. Anti-immigrant crusader Russ Dove circulated an English-only petition, while a cameraman filmed the voters he approached and Roy Warden stood by with a firearm in a holster. Diego Bernal, a staff attorney with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), said the trio was trying to intimidate Hispanic voters. "A gun, a camera, a clipboard before you even get to the polls - if that's not voter intimidation, what is?" he asked. Bernal said his group encountered the men at the Precinct 49 polling place at South 12th Avenue and West Michigan Street and began documenting the scene with their cameras. "There was an interesting period where they were taking pictures of us taking pictures of them." Tucson Citizen: Incident "reported to the FBI." A November 8, 2006, Tucson Citizen article (from Nexis) reported that Mexican American Legal Defense Fund lawyer Diego Bernal "said he reported the incident to the FBI." The article also reported that Pima County elections director Brad Nelson said: "If intimidation or coercion was going on out there, even though it might have been outside the 75-foot limit, it's something we take very seriously, and we'll be looking into it."
O'Reilly, incidentally, is trying to claim that Christopher Coates has no ideological ax to grind -- though in fact Coates is a converted right-wing ideologue with a serious ax to grind, based on his demotion within the Voting Rights Section. Coates, during his tenure with the Bush administration, in fact did an incredibly poor job of protecting the voting rights of blacks and other minorities, often overlooking their complaints in order to please his bosses upstairs -- which is why he got the boot. And now we're supposed to consider his testimony definitive? I don't think so.
Fox News, in the meantime, is clearly playing the race card. Funny how readily they like to accuse others of that, isn't it?
Los nazis son una realidad política en la España de hoy
Denia, una localidad de interés mayormente turístico en la Costa Blanca valenciana, fue uno de los lugares elegidos por el exilio nazi tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Allí se refugiaron muchos de los alemanes convictos del régimen de Hitler, siempre amparados y respaldados por el franquismo. Y así como en otros centros de la misma índole, la ciudad ha entregado a los neonazis ciertas ventajas conforme a su deseo de sentirse más iniciados en las fuentes de su ideología.
Leer más :
(google translate)
Denia, a town of mostly tourist interest in the Costa Blanca Valencia, was one of the places chosen by the Nazi exile after World War II. There are many Germans fled convicted of the Hitler regime, always protected and supported by the Franco regime. And as in other centers of the same nature, the city has given the neo certain advantages according to his desire to be more proactive in the sources of their ideology.
Read more: ...
Russia Today : UFO in NYC: Aliens or balloons in New York sky?
Crowds in New York have had their eyes to the skies - in an alleged UFO sighting. Dozens of videos posted online show passers-by seemingly staring at a group of unidentified flying objects in the sky over Manhattan. Adding mystery to the event is a prediction by a retired NORAD officer Stanley A. Fulham. In a recent book, he claimed that on October 13th - the day of the sighting - a fleet of UFOs would hover over the world's principal cities. Many witnesses insist that what they saw were, indeed, alien spaceships... while others say it looked more like a group of hot air balloons.
Russia Today : Führer Forever: 10% Germans want 'new Hitler'?
One in ten Germans apparently believe their country needs a new Fuhrer - a word which literally means a strong leader and a less democratic parliament. A study by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation also discovered that a quarter of those polled sympathise with nationalist or racist sentiments. It claims the small number of votes for the far-right doesn't reflect the real attitude among many Germans. In what looks like a marked rise in xenophobic views, a third said foreigners should be sent home if there wasn't enough work, while one in six said Jews have too much power. Johannes Kies, who conducted the study, says far-right attitudes are deeply-rooted in German society.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
David Cole: The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz
1:01:38 - 2 years ago
"It is an undisputed fact of history that, during World War II, the Germans ran a network of prison and labor camps, both in Germany and in the territories they controlled. Into these camps were sent Jews, prisoners-of-war, resistance fighters, Gypsies, and other people considered enemies of the Third Reich. The largest of these camps was the one called Auschwitz, located in Poland. Those interned at Auschwitz came from all over Europe and consisted of men, women, and children. Those able to work were used as labor for the German war effort. Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Army in January of 1945. But that is where the consensus ends. Since the end of World War II we have been told repeatedly that many of these camps served a darker purpose: the genocide of six million Jews and the execution of five million non-Jews through the use of homicidal gas chambers in what is now commonly known as the "Holocaust." The largest number of people are said to have been murdered at Auschwitz. But there are some people who maintain these claims of mass murder have never been proven. These people point to the lack of documentation other than the highly questionable and partially discredited evidence supplied by the Soviet Union at the Nuremberg Trials and the unreliable nature of the eyewitness testimonies, many of which have also been discredited. (For example, many former camp inmates, as well as American soldiers, still speak of "gassing" at the Dachau camp in Germany, even though it is no longer held that any [homicidal] gas chamber was ever in use at that camp.) Still, the Holocaust is an event that has seemingly grown in importance since the end of the war, taught as fact...usually accepted without question. But how do we know it really happened? What "proofs" are offered for those not willing to take history on faith alone? This video deals with, among other things, one of those proofs, one piece in a very large puzzle: the supposed gas chamber at the Auschwitz Main Camp." Find more uncensored information on the Holocaust on«
The Israel Lobby (AIPAC) - A Danger To The World
51:54 - 3 years ago
Uncircumsized Math teacher advocates circumcision in class in Taiwan
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
واحدة من كل 3 سوريات تتعرض لعنف جسدي من أسرتها
دراسة: واحدة من كل 3 سوريات تتعرض لعنف جسدي من أسرتها |
26/9/2010 - 12:21:14 am |
أظهرت دراسة حول "العنف الأسري ضد المرأة في سورية" أعدتها "الهيئة العامة لشؤون الأسرة" في سورية و"صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان"، أن امرأة من كل ثلاث نساء تتعرض لعنف جسدي في سورية في محيطها الأسري. وركزت الدراسة، التي تنشر قريباً، على العنف القائم على أساس الجنس داخل محيط الأسرة، وشملت خمسة آلاف امرأة يمثلن المجتمع السوري. وتطرقت إلى مختلف أشكال العنف الجسدي واللفظي والمعنوي والرمزي، معتبرة أن هذا الأخير هو الأكثر خطورة، لأنه "يمارس تحت أطر مقبولة اجتماعياً، إلى حد يعتبرها المعنف نفسه شرعية". وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن أشكال العنف السائدة هي بالترتيب الصفع والضرب واللكم، يليها العض وشد الشعر والأذن، ثم الضرب بالحزام والعصا. واعتبرت أن واحدة من كل ثلاث نساء يمارس عليها هذا الشكل من العنف. أما المسبب بالعنف فهو أولاً الأب ثم الأخ يليه الزوج. وغالباً ما يؤدي العنف إلى أذى على المستوى الجسدي من كسور في الأطراف أو الأضلاع، ورضوض وتورم وكدمات وجروح ونزيف خارجي. وقالت الدراسة إن المرأة في المدينة أقل تعرضاً للعنف منها في الريف، وكذلك ترتفع نسبة العنف في البيئة الأقل تعلماً. وتطرقت الدراسة إلى العنف النفسي وأشكاله، من الصراخ والتوبيخ، إلى السخرية والتجريح والشتم والوصف بقلة العقل، والمقارنة السلبية مع الإخوة الذكور. وأشارت إلى أن الأم تدخل في عداد ممارسي العنف النفسي بحجة حماية المرأة والحفاظ عليها. وعددت الدراسة أشكال العنف الجنسي السائدة، بدءاً من النظر والملاحقة والتلطيش، ثم الملامسة، والتحرش عبر الهاتف، ومحاولة نزع الثياب، والتحرش الجنسي. وقالت الدراسة إنه قياساً بالذكور، لا يتم إشراك المرأة بمناقشة قضايا الأسرة المتعلقة بها، مثل متابعة التعليم والعمل خارج المنزل. وأشارت إلى ثقافة المجتمع التي تؤثر في قناعات المرأة، مثل إقرارها بزواج الرجل من امرأة ثانية، أو ضرورة تكرار الإنجاب للحصول على طفل ذكر. وخلصت الدراسة إلى أن المرأة المعنفة عموماً "تعيد إنتاج أفراد لديهم الاستعداد في ممارسة العنف، حين تعمد إلى إعلاء شأن الذكر، وتشرع العنف ضد المرأة بحيث يصبح معياراً اجتماعياً". وتحدثت الدراسة عن التكلفة الباهظة للعنف ضد المرأة، بسبب تكاليف خدمات ودعم ومعالجة النساء المعنفات وأطفالهن، وتكلفةالملاحقات القانونية للعنف الذي يسبب أذى كبيراً، مثل جرائم الشرف. وكذلك أشارت إلى ما يكلفه العنف على المستوى الاجتماعي، حيث تضعف مشاركة المرأة في الحياة العامة، كما يؤدي إلى التفكك الأسري، وتسرب الأبناء من المدارس، وفي النهاية الشعور بعدم الأمان في غياب البيئة النفسية الداعمة للمرأة والأطفال. العربية |
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